Waimate News
Rural Roundup 2022- round up your crew and have some fun!
Rural Roundup - roundup your crew and have some fun!
Ara and the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce boost local business capability in South Canterbury
Coinciding with Ara’s second semester, South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce members will have an exciting opportunity to study free papers from the Diploma in Business (Level 5) - can be studied in class or online via live zoomed classes.
Seaweek - Beach Cleanup this weekend
Waimate locals - come and clean up the beach with your community during NZAEE Seaweek!
🕚 Saturday 12 March, 11am - 1pm
📍 Waihao Box Reserve, Byrnes Road
Garden Competition winners announced
The winners of the Summer Garden Competition have been anounced - congratulations to this years winners!!!
Ratepayers views sought before Funding Agency decision.
The Waimate District Council (the Council) is considering participating in the New Zealand Local Government Funding Agency (LGFA) scheme. The scheme is designed to allow local authorities to borrow funds at more favourable interest rates than the banking sector.
Whitehorse Big Easy Cancelled for 2022
Sadly due to the red covid 19 alert settings the 2022 Whitehorse Big Easy has been cancelled for 2022. See you all next year!
New grave care service for Waimate
At Forever Loved Grave Care we know that Sometimes life's plans change and we can't be as close to where our loved ones are laid to rest, and that visiting can be hard at times. Our service can help make that easier for you.
80% Off your Heat Pump with the Warmer Kiwi Homes Grant
Do you want a warmer, dryer home to keep you and your family healthy? You may be eligible to receive a Government funded grant!
Group Offers Better Alternative for Three Waters Delivery
Communities 4 Local Democracy He hapori mo te Manapori is a new local government action group committed to working with central government to ensure all New Zealanders have access to safe drinking water and that all of our local communities continue to have a say on the use of assets purchased on their behalf using ratepayer funds.
Are you prepared?
Disaster can strike at any time, be that earthquakes, floods, strong winds or a global pandemic. Having a plan in place and an emergency grab and go kit is one thing we can all do to prepare, but getting the community on the same page well before anything occurs is a great option too.
Garden Competition winners to be announced
Announcement of winners and prizegiving will be on Saturday February 12 at 10.00am in Victoria Park at the covered picnic area.
Whitehorse Redevelopment Update
Check out the latest progress update from the Whitehorse Redevelopment Project being undertaken by Waimate2gether
Waimate Regent Theatre - Movies Feb 22
We have decided to try re opening the theatre from 12 February and will operate under the Covid 19 – Traffic Light system.
CCCFA: How much can you spend before you are turned down for a mortgage?
The question then is, how much can someone spend in a month before ruining their chances of a mortgage? To calculate this, we need to understand how the bank calculates your ability to afford a mortgage.
Water Matters
You may have read in this week’s Waimate Trader that Council will be installing up to 1,400 new water meters throughout the Waimate urban area in the coming months. These water meters will be read to better understand how our water is being used or lost, so we can better plan where our resources should best be placed to manage growth. The water metering project is fully funded by Central Government and will not impact your rates.
Changes to Vaccine Booster timeframes
From Friday 4 February, everyone aged 18 or older can get their COVID-19 Pfizer booster 3 months after completing their primary course (for most people this will be two doses but for those who are immune compromised this might be three).
Keeping your dog safe around water
Summer is the perfect time to take your dog to one of Canterbury’s precious freshwater sites – but, after some recent hot weather, it is timely for Environment Canterbury to remind dog owners about the risks that cyanobacteria in rivers and lakes presents you and your dog
Be aware of the fire danger
As summer progresses, the fire risk continues to go up and routine activities that wouldn’t usually cause any problems can sometimes result in a 111 call and a visit from your local fire brigade.
If you’re a farmer, contractor, land manager, lifestyler or a tradie who works in the country or the edge of town, here are a few tips to avoid having to make that 111 call.
We encourage our community to share their news with us by emailing waimatenews@gmail.com - we will load onto this page, and also push out to our social media channels as well.