WorkSafe works collaboratively with businesses, undertakings, workers and their representatives to embed and promote good workplace health and safety practices.
Managing health and safety
Being safe at work is important. It is a responsibility shared by both the employer and the employee. This sections offers information on managing your risks, getting started, guidance material and how to report concerns or incidents.
Notify WorkSafe
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) you must notify us when certain work-related events occur.
A notifiable event is when any of the following occurs as a result of work:
a death
notifiable illness or injury
a notifiable incident
If someone has been killed as a result of work, then you MUST notify us immediately. Phone 0800 030 040 (24/7)
Please that other government agencies are designated to carry out health and safety regulatory functions for certain work. They are:
Maritime New Zealand for ships as workplaces and work aboard ships
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for work preparing aircraft for imminent flight and aircraft in operation.