Waimate Senior Citizens
Contact Name : Kathleen Wallace
Phone Number : 027 423 5083
Email : kathleenwallace2000@gmail.com
Address: Corner of Shearman and Glasgow Street, Waimate
Opening Hours: Tuesday 1.00 pm -3.00 pm
The Waimate Senior Citizens meet every week for a catch up, activities, entertainment, guest speakers, outings and more – though not all in the same day!!
Where do we meet? At the newly painted Senior Citizens Hall on the corner of Shearman Street and Glasgow Street.
What for? For entertainment organised by Kathleen Wallace, including movies, interesting Guest Speakers, Housie, outside organisations entertaining, quizzes, sing-a-longs, outings and friendship AND always a cuppa at the end of the afternoon.
How do I get there? Walk, mobility scooter, car or if you like, transport is available there and back home again if you email: kathleenwallace2000@gmail.com
Cost? $10.00 sub for the year and $2.00 per week
So why not come along and see for yourself what it is all about, you will enjoy yourself. And bring a friend!
The Senior Citizens Hall is available for hire, mornings, afternoons and nights, throughout the year, for meetings, get togethers, celebrations or work shops etc. For enquiries and Hall Bookings, Phone Jan 027 267 6480