Waimate Disc Golf

Contact Name : Peter Vendetti

Phone Number : 027 481 5004

Email : natalieviolet28@gmail.com

Address: Victoria Park, 22 Naylor Street, Waimate

Disc Golf is a game that can be played by anyone, regardless of age and ability

Waimates’ Victoria Park is home to a 9 Hole course that was developed in 2020, that can be played all year round.

Disc Golf is a lot like regular golf however a disc is used instead of club and a ball.  The disc is thrown from a tee pad to a to a metal basket.

Discs are available to purchase or hire from Waimate Outdoors.  To obtain course details, players can download the app 'Udisc' to obtain the course details, score cards and leaderboards. (Note: at each end of the course there is a QR code for quick link to the app)