Te Kura - The Correspondence School
Learn your way
Te Kura is a state-funded distance education provider that offers a wide range of personalised learning programmes and courses, from early childhood to NCEA Level 3, which are mostly delivered online. Students can enrol for a few credits in a specific course or for a full-time programme. Students of all ages are welcome, as long as they meet our eligibility criteria.
Early Childhood
Early Childhood Te Kura offers a free, individualised programme for ākonga/learners aged two to six years old. It is designed by registered early childhood kaiako/teachers who are based in Wellington.
Our kaiako work in partnership with you and your whānau to create and develop an individual programme of learning for ākonga, using the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki– He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa.
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Years 1-6
Our Year 1–6 programme is based on the New Zealand Curriculum. Students learn with a dedicated learning advisor who works closely with parents and supervisors to develop a personalised programme for each student, which is based on their interests, abilities and learning needs, with support from whānau and community.
Years 7-10
Te Ara Hou (meaning ‘new pathway’) is the learning programme for students in Years 7 to 10. Full-time students in Years 7–10 are taught through a fully integrated programme of learning, individual learning areas, or, most commonly, a partially integrated programme.
Our Te Ara Hou programme is based on the New Zealand Curriculum. Students learn with a dedicated learning advisor who works with the student and their whānau to develop the most suitable programme of learning for the student. Learning programmes are developed to meet students’ needs and ensure coverage of a balanced programme across all subject areas.
NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3
We offer flexible learning programmes to achieve the National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) at all levels as well as other qualifications within the New Zealand Qualifications Framework.
You can learn with Te Kura as a full-time student, a young adult (if you’re aged 16 to 19 years old) or as an adult learner. If you attend a secondary school, they may enrol you with Te Kura as a secondary dual student.
If you’re a full-time student, you’ll have a dedicated learning advisor who will work with you to develop a learning programme based on your interests and abilities. Some young adult students may also be allocated a dedicated learning advisor.
Other programmes include
Te Kura Big Picture Learning
Secondary Tertiary Pathways; Gateway, STAR, Huarahi Trades Academy, Tertiary Link, Student Volunteer Army Service Awards Scheme
Te Kura Summer School
For more information please go to our website