Kāinga Ora

Phone Number : 0800 801 601

Email : enquiries1@kaingaora.govt.nz

Website : www.kaingaora.govt.nz

Time: Monday - Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm

Homes and Communities, is a agency that provides rental housing for New Zealanders in need.

Home Ownership

Buying your first home is exciting and scary at the same time. We’ve collected all the home loan products and initiatives we manage into one place so you can quickly and easily find out which are right for you.

Working with Us

We work with many groups in the community – from those we work with on new housing developments through to community groups we work with for the benefit of our tenants.

Tenants and Communities

Find out about renting a house from us, different ways to pay your rent, what to do if your home needs repairs, and what you can expect from us as your landlord.

Developments and Programmes

Different initiatives and programmes aim to support people in housing need. These include the Regional housing development and our large-scale housing projects.