Inland Revenue

Inland Revenue collects 80% of the Crown's revenue as well as collecting and disbursing social support programme payments and providing the government with policy advice. IR prefer the use of myIR an online self-service for you tax. Once you are registered, you can get your tax and entitlements sorted online, anytime and anywhere.  If you need assistance with this or anything else, please contact one of the Community Link staff.

IRD number

Your IRD number keeps track of the tax you pay and helps make sure you pay the right amount or get the right entitlements. It's unique to you. If you have a company, trust, partnership or other type of business, you'll need a different IRD number for each one.

General Enquires

Personal : 0800 775 247

Business : 0800 377 774

Overseas Callers : +64 9 952 5914

Self - Services

Phone Number : 0800 257 777

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

You can use this number to:

  •    Add or change an address

  •    Find out your IRD number

  • Order a paper form or return

  •    Get an account balance – including student loans

  •    Find out about upcoming or recent child support payments

  •   Find out the total of upcoming provisional tax payments

  •   Find out about gross wage of PAYE totals if you're an employer

  •   Register as an employer or for goods and services tax (GST)

  •   Request an Individual income tax return - IR3

  •   Request a summary of your income

  •   Confirm a personal tax summary (PTS)

  •   Request a personal tax summary (PTS)

  •   Make a credit or debit card payment

Working for Families

Working for Families Tax Credits are payments for families with dependent children aged 18 and under. The payments are to help you raise your family. Entitlements are based on your yearly family income and family circumstances.

Individuals : 0800 227 773

Caregivers in business : 0800 377 774

Overseas Callers : + 64 4 831 225

Self - Employed

Self-employed people carry out business activity on their own. Self-employment includes contracting, working as a sole trader and small business owners.

Usually, a self-employed person can start in business without following any formal or legal set up tasks.


A not-for-profit organisation is any society, association or group, which can be incorporated or unincorporated. The activities of the organisation are not carried on for the profit or gain of any member, and the rules of the organisation do not allow any money or property to be distributed to any member.

Child Support

Child support is money paid by parents who do not live with their children, or who share care with someone else.

New Zealand : 0800 221 221

Australia : 1800 504 042

Overseas : +64 9 984 2537

Income Tax

Everyone in New Zealand needs to pay tax on income they earn, whether they're an individual, business, or organisation.

Personal - 0800 775 247

Business - 0800 377 774

Overseas Callers - +64 4 831 2214


KiwiSaver is a voluntary savings scheme to help set you up for your retirement. You can make regular contributions from your pay or directly to your scheme provider.

Members - 0800 549 472

Employers - 0800 377 772

Kaitakawaenga Maori

Kaitakawaenga Māori offer a free advisory service to help meet the needs of Māori individuals, organisations and businesses

Contact through website for requesting a business advisory or social policy visit


Charities are organisations that carry out charitable activities or exist only for charitable purposes. They can be incorporated or not.

Tax summary

Charities will need an IRD number and may need to register for GST and PAYE. Charities must self-assess their tax-exempt status annually.

They can receive tax exemptions if they register with Charities Services.