Hospice South Canterbury Inc
Contact Person : Jill Pearce
Phone Number : 03 687 7670
Email : support@hospicesc.org.nz
Website : www.hospicesc.org.nz
Address: 55 Broadway Avenue, Timaru
We provide specialized palliative care to the palliative patients within South Canterbury. Hospice is available to all patients in a palliative or terminal phase of their illness.
The aim of Hospice palliative care is to maximize the quality of a person's life. This is achieved by coordinating and delivering a range of services and choices in response to the individual needs of the person being cared for, the caregiver, family and whanau.
For 32 years your Hospice has been dedicated to providing free palliative care to the South Canterbury community. We are committed to helping those with life-limiting conditions in so many ways through our inpatient unit, but we also offer :
Night Sitting Service with trained carers in patients' homes
Therapeutic Mondays at the Hospice Community Cottage
Relax & Revive complementary therapy for patients and their carers
Better Breathing courses
Carer Skills programme
Outpatients Clinic
Family Support counselling services
Bereavement team support, biography writing recording life stories and "Cuppa & a Chat"
All these services are offered to our local community patients and families free of charge in a relaxed home environment with specialised professional services.