Friends of Kelceys Bush Incorporated

Contact Name : John Begg

Phone Number : 021 203 0056

Email :

Facebook: KelceysBushNZ

Kelceys Bush is a lovely native bush area, suitable for picnics, bush walks and outings situated 8km from the Waimate township

Established in 2002 Friends of Kelceys Bush has worked tirelessly to preserve and improve this public assets, alongside the Department of Conservation.

The key function of the group is to provide voluntary labour, materials and support for specific works and projects within Kelceys Bush working together with DOC and landowners enhancing the uniqueness of the bush.

If you are interested in learning more or becoming a member of the Society, please contact John

Checked out our Bird sign. It wasn't easy finding the right photos for our sign, so we put the call out on Facebook and ended up with some wonderful photos. We would like to send a big thank you to DoC for the photos of the Kereru and Bellbird. Megan Ellis Photos for the Silvereye and the Tui and Neale McLanachan for the Fantail and Tomtit.