Under 5s

Parents need support - here you will find a range of New Zealand resources

The Well Child - Tamariki Ora Programme
The Well Child programme is a package of universal health services offered free to all New Zealand families/whānau for children from birth to 5 years.

The Well Child services aim to:

  • provide you with the knowledge and skills to respond to your child’s needs at the different stages of their development

  • provide reassurance that your child is developing normally, through growth and development assessments

  • inform you about, and provide immunisation

  • support and help you to identify your needs as a parent, and link you with community and other services.

Parenting Resource- by age and stage
This Parenting Resource is designed for supporting families with young children. The resource includes parenting and child development information covering pregnancy through to five years of age.

Raising Children
Short clips and helpful tips gleaned from experts, with the 'need to knows' of child development, eating, sleeping, learning, parenting, health, education and physical activity. This resource can be downloaded as an app on iPhone or Android

S * K * I * P

Ideas for having fun together with tamariki/children. Spending time with your child doing things together you enjoy strengthens your relationship. It also makes it less likely they’ll behave badly to get your attention. And it helps their brain development. So, what are you waiting for? Get playing!

We have lots of free parenting resources to support whānau and community. Even the shipping is totally free to your home, business, kura or organisation!

Strengthening Families
If you are getting help or require assistance with a child or young person’s education, health or behaviour, to sort money troubles or find a suitable home or other issues, Strengthening Families could be for you.

For parents and whanau - practical information about education for parents and carers

Learning from Home
Distance learning support during and emergency event. Resources, guidance and information for parents, whānau, teachers and leaders from early learning to senior secondary

Talking to your Kids about Covid 19

Tips about how to talk to your kids about covid 19