Phone : 03 687 7945

Email : info@access.org.nz

Website : pssc.org.nz

Enliven is the services for older people and people living with disability provided by the seven Presbyterian Support organisations in New Zealand.

The principles of caring, enabling and supporting underpin everything we do. The Enliven philosophy recognises that people need to maintain control over their lives, wherever they live and whatever their age.

To be healthy and happy people need to have choices so they can make decisions for themselves; to be connected to their family, whānau friends and community; to be able to give as well as receive; and most importantly, to get practical support when they need it.

Aged Care and Retirement Options

Presbyterian Support South Canterbury provides a range of aged care and retirement options.

Respite Care

Respite care or short-term care provides support for elderly (or special needs) clients and their carers.

With respite care, carers can have a well-earned break, catch up on everyday activities or go on holidays, knowing that the special person in their life is safe and being well taken care of.

Residential Care

Presbyterian Support South Canterbury works alongside you and your family to achieve these things. We provide a full range of services that support you or your loved ones to maintain their lifestyle and enjoy fulfilling lives.