Croquet Club

Contact Name : Tom Sullivan

Phone Number : 021 174 6182

Email :

Address: 98A Shearman Street, Waimate

Goals and Objectives: To promote and encourage the game of croquet. Provide grounds and facilities to promote the best interests of the club. The club funds are used for these objectives.

Membership: is a desire to croquet by anyone

Apart from enjoyment and companionships, our club plays for competitions both local and interclub.

There is a introductory playing time of six weeks, after which you would be expected to join or pay a casual fee.

There is a annual subscription plus a daily playing fee. Club mallets are available, but members are encouraged to obtain their own mallet at a later stage.

Interested people can join by contacting President, Tom Sullivan 021 174 6182, Jeanette Paul 689 6234, or any member you may know or just come along.

Club days are

  • Mondays 1.00pm (Association Croquet)

  • Tuesdays 10.00am (Golf Croquet)

  • Tuesdays 1.00pm (Golf Croquet)

  • Saturdays 1.00pm (Golf Croquet)