Contact Name : Sam Roebeck (Manager)
Phone : 0800 80 22 22 or 03 689 8337 / 021 256 5509
Email : sam@ccwaimate.co.nz
Email: admin@ccwaimate.co.nz
Facebook : CentrecareCounsellingWaimate
Website : Centrecare
Address : 3 Queen Street, Waimate
Time : Please call or email to make an appointment – we hold appointments in Waimate, Timaru and Oamaru
Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Members of the public are welcome to pop in for a chat
Centrecare Waimate is a Community Counselling Service.
Our range of services are dedicated to the well-being of all people in the Waimate region. Centrecare qualified counsellors are here to support you through life’s challenges including abuse, addictions, anger, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, loneliness, mental health, stress, or trauma.