
Contact Person : Dan

Phone Number : 021 192 6302 or 0800 967 522

Email : nzemploymentservices@apmworkcare.co.nz

Website : myworkassist.co.nz

WORK ASSIST REGIONAL - Our goal is to help you find work!


Work Assist is a fully funded one-on-one programme that is aimed at getting you back to work. Eligibility are jobseekers on a Work and Income Benefit or for NZ citizens if you have lost work due to Covid- 19. We also have a service for people with health and disability conditions which support you on a gradual return to work. Our team are in Waimate weekly and have connections with employers in the South Canterbury and North Otago region. If you are motivated to want to find work then this is for you!

We will help

  • Identify your transferable skills for current and future employment

  • Link you to employers now

  • Create a targeted CV

  • Show you how to job search through to success and employment pathway planning

  • Funding available for licences, endorsements, and some shortterm employment related training

  • Assistance to navigate to higher education and StudyLink applications

  • We travel and meet in the main towns in your district

Contact us today