Age Concern


Phone Number : 03 687 7581

Email :

Website :


Connecting, supporting, empowering, celebrating and respecting all older people

Services that Ages Concern South Canterbury provide include:

Staying Safe Driving Course
A free course to refresh and update seniors who are driving

Elder Abuse Response Service
The Elder Abuse Response Service aims to improve the quality of life of older people in abusive situations and to prevent abuse by providing information, education programmes, advocacy and support.

Types of Abuse
If you have concerns about Elder Abuse, the way you or someone you know are being treated, spoken to or cared for, or if you are concerned about how money is spent and property is being used, we offer a free and confidential service to help.

Several types of abuse can be present at the same time:

  • Financial/Property Abuse: Being persuaded into signing over money, property or possessions.

  • Physical Abuse: Being handled roughly, slapped or hit or being forcefully confined or restrained.

  • Emotional/Psychological Abuse: Being insulted, threatened or called names.

  • Neglect: Being denied food, medical care, clothing, shelter or social contact.

  • Sexual Abuse: Being forced to be sexually intimate.

  • Self Neglect: Own omission to secure adequate food, warmth or hygiene.

Accredited Visiting Service

Are you feeling that you spend too much time on your own?

The Visiting Service is for people over 65, who live in their own home, who no longer drive, who would like more company and who are able to contribute to a mutually beneficial relationship.
