Access Community Health
Access - Home care services, Nursing services, Disability support
For Access tāngata/Clients: 0800 284 663
All other enquiries: 0508 123 010
Community Health Services, supporting people in the community to live their best and full life.
Our services range from a helping hand around the house to support with daily living activities such as personal care and professional nursing services.
We focus on supporting independence, helping people stay clean and healthy in their home, restoring function, building strength and rehabilitating people to live life to their fullest.
Total Care Health Services is a trusted community nursing organisation established in 2007 by two dedicated registered nurses. Our team of over 50 qualified nurses deliver both ACC and private nursing services, specialising in woundcare management, directly to people’s homes, or places of work or study. Part of Access Community Health, we support people to manage their health and those with injury, disability, age related and life style challenges.
If you are or are interested in becoming a support worker please contact us